I can't believe May is here all ready. We have been busy, busy around here. My husband left on Friday. He is not out of the country yet but he mine as well be. He will possibly get to come home for 4 days in June, then he will be off to Iraq. It is a very sad time for us and I haven't felt much like blogging but I went to Rhoda's spot this morning and thought how fun a May Garden Party. I can do that. However, over here in Ms. we are experiencing quite the down pours. So in between pouring rain episodes, I went and took a few pictures. Now, keep in mind we moved to this place with little to no landscaping and along with all of our other projects I have been piddling with the yard here and there. So here are a few items we have planted.
Oh, and of course I forgot to upload my pics first so you can't click on them. Sorry.
Now, this is not such a beautiful spot, yet, but I wanted to show it to you for a reason. This bed is completely under the awning of my back porch. It gets very little afternoon sun. Well, when we moved here it had some hideous looking roses in it that were tall and leggy looking. Now we have planted dwarf gardenia in there and I need to add some colorful flowers.
I cut the roses back and moved them to this bed and they get more sun and are loving it.
If you get a chance stop by Rhoda's at Southern Hospitality and take a look at her May Garden.
Hi Trixi,
Everything is so beautiful and you have sooooo much space/no wagon for you! :)
I am putting you guys and your husband on my prayer list-Take care of yourself~♥
Mrs. T, it's beautiful at your house! What a gorgeous piece of property. We've been getting a ton of rain for the last 3 days too & I almost didn't get my pics done in time. I had a little window of sun & I ran out there & shot some pics!
Oh, how fun to have blueberries & fruit. We have just planted blueberry & blackberry bushes this year & hope to have some too. Thanks for playing today!
Very lovely! I never thought about planting a blueberry bush - is is easy?
Trixi.. The amaryllis is beautiful as well as all of your other plants. I love using the sweet potato vine mixed in with my other plants.. love how it covers the ground and drapes over the sides of my pots. Thanks for sharing.
Girl you have a gorgeous yard and ohhhh how I love all that space you have and the fruit bushes and vines...seeing your beautiful property makes me long to live out in the country and have things like that for my grandbabies...
I know how you feel sweetie with your hubby being gone now...I pray that God just let this time fly by for you and that in no time at all he will be home again and sweep you up in his arms and you two will go on to live this wonderful life together...take care my friend and have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
I love the flowers! How pretty it all looks...even if you are dealing with more of a water garden right now :o)
You aren't alone, that's for sure! It's all hip waders and paddle boats here just to get around doing barn chores and such during the day. I swear -- and I'm not dumping on Mississippi now -- but goodness, I have never lived anywhere where the water simply seems to SIT and not sink in or flow off. Just waits on God to call it back Home I suppose! LOL...I'm on what they tell me is a mountain and this water ain't going no place!
As to the swine flu, they have been downplaying it more in the news now, calling it "not as bad as first predicted" and all but I don't buy that for one minute. There are still new cases daily in other countries, and as one news blurb pointed out, it may be summer for the US, but the days of winter and a typical flu run are just getting started in other countries. That's important to remember for sure.
Have you heard whether they confirmed swine flu here yet?
As for me and my house, we stay home!
Happy Mother's Day Trixi :)
I know this is a hard time for you and I pray that it goes by quickly.
Your garden looks beautiful!
We just got our daffodils up!
Living in the North woods really make you appreciate pictures like yours.
Our flowering crab tree is just about to bloom and the willow trees are showing their leaves.
We had temps in the 30's this morning!
God bless you!
Hi, trixi. It's been a while since I visited your blog. The homestead looks alive and lovely with everything blooming.
I am sorry to hear your husband has left for training and deployment. I can imagine how this weighs on your heart and mind.
He will be in my prayers for the coming months until he arrives safely home. How long will this tour be?
God bless you & keep you,
Hello Mrs. Trixi! I want to thank you for visiting my blog, I too really like Paul Washer. Your pictures are wonderful, I especially like the ones of you mama hen and her little ones. I'm kind of a crazy chicken lady, lol. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!!
Your yard is just gorgeous and I love the pictures of all the flowers in bloom. Our azaleas and trees just started blooming here a couple of weeks ago. I really love this time of year.
Hi there! Your flowers are just beautiful. I can almost smell those roses!
I do hope that you find peace in your heart about your sweeties absence. I know it must be so hard on you and your family. I could only imagine. May God bless each of you with a peace ....take care!
Praying for your husband and for you at home. Keep me posted on how things are going.
Love to you all,
Your azaleas are gorgeous! I wish I still had mine...long story. I'll be praying for you and your family, Trixi!
HAHAHA! I just read the comments in the previous post and realized I already TOLD you my long story! Ugh...I need to go to bed... : )
Hi Trixi!
I'm so glad to hear from you :)
I hope things are going well. I know you must miss your hubby something awful, but hopefully the kids are keeping you busy. Praying for his safe return....
Everything looks so lovely! And I have elephant ears by my air conditioner unit too, it always amazes me how well they do! Now, if only my gardenia bush would thrive like that!
Everything is sooo pretty! I love this time of year!
BEAUTIFUL! Your blog (even down to the signature) Is woooonderful!! Your pictures are beautiful! What great scenery and backdrop for life!!
Hey girl...just came by to say I was thinking of you...Hope you have a great week sweetie and may it be filled with much love and laughter...I know your heart is heavy....love ya girl!~♥~
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